Herniated Disc: Symptoms and Your Alternative to an Orthopedic Doctor

Chiropractic for a Herniated Disc Instead of an Orthopedic Doctor


If you suspect that you may have a herniated disc, you don’t have to rush to the office of an orthopedic doctor. Contrary to what many people may believe, a herniated disc can easily be treated without surgical intervention. One of the best ways to accomplish this would be to see a respected chiropractor in Bergen County.

Since chiropractic care delves in spinal adjustments and manipulation, it should come as no surprise that it is capable of treating a herniated disc. Regular adjustments can help alleviate any pain and discomfort while allowing the body to heal itself naturally. In some cases, you may even be able to get by without having to use prescription pain killers. Although the thought of “manipulating the spine” may seem uncomfortable, patients who regularly undergo chiropractic adjustments claim that treatment is painless and oddly relaxing by nature. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2sihUEe

Paramus, NJ Sciatica Experts Recommend These Exercises to Relieve Pain

A Woman Performing the Sitting Spinal Stretch Exercise for Sciatica

Sciatica is medical condition that affects the leg, but the source of the pain is actually found in the lower back. When the nerve roots on the lower back gets pinched, the sciatic nerve, which covers the entire length of each leg from the buttock down to the foot, is affected. Pain that courses through the entire leg is the excruciating result.

A pinched nerve in the lower back is often caused by a herniated disc. When a spinal disc endures damage—such as a tear or a crack—it can start getting inflamed and bulge into the spinal canal. For most people, the damage will eventually heal itself, and the symptoms will clear up on their own within a matter of weeks. Unfortunately for some, the pain can be long-term. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pV1obT

Paramus, NJ Neuropathy Doctor: 3 Steps to Prevent Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy is a Worrisome Condition that Deserves Attention

Diabetes is a common disease in the U.S., affecting almost one-third of the total American adult population. It is accompanied by many health complications, one if which is diabetic neuropathy, a painful condition that occurs when high blood sugar levels start affecting nerve fibers in the body. Your Paramus, NJ neuropathy doctor would like you to learn more about this potentially devastating disease.

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Insulin is a hormone manufactured by the pancreas that produces energy or stores glucose from food for future use. It is also responsible for preventing the blood sugar level from getting too high or too low. Lack of this hormone can result in extensive nerve damage. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pV3c4M

Knee Pain Treatment in Paramus, NJ: Understanding Brain-Based Therapy

Don’t Let a Chronic Knee Pain Condition Suck the Fun Out of Your Life

Chronic knee problems can be debilitating. Depending on the severity, a suffering patient can find it difficult to perform the simplest of actions, including getting out of a chair, climbing stairs, and perhaps even walking. If you’ve had your knee pain diagnosed, perhaps you’ve been told that you need surgery to fix the issue. You should know that it’s not the only treatment option available to you.

Brain-Based Therapy for Chronic Knee Pain

Your brain is responsible for managing each and every action that your body performs. With so many moving parts that make up the body, your brain must always be functioning optimally. Otherwise, even the tiniest brain issues can affect certain bodily functions. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pWw36z

Hackensack, NJ Knee Pain Injections, PT—Best Knee Arthritis Treatments

For Knee Arthritis, Knee Pain Injections and PT are Best Treatments

Knee arthritis is a debilitating condition that can affect people of any age, gender, or race. It is characterized as a chronic degenerative disease of the knee joint that leads to severe pain, tenderness, stiffness, and swelling in the area. Recently, several medical organizations published a number of guidelines to provide knee arthritis patients and their physicians a wider array of treatments, along with better detail of the pros and cons of each. Suffice to say, the new studies yielded some very surprising results, even going against what many doctors have long supposed to be true.

Best Knee Arthritis Treatments

According to one of the studies, acetaminophen and other popular drugs for knee pain offers very little help for the condition. As well, a placebo injection of salt water offers better pain relief than any pill. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pWyiHb

Northern NJ Herniated Disc Treatment: Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal Decompression Can Treat Herniated Disc and Other Spinal Issues

As you age, changes take place in your body that can make it harder for you to move freely. One common mobility issue that affects many people is a bulging, degenerated, or herniated disc in the spine.

Spinal discs are soft compressible discs that allow the spine to make its complex movements such as flexing, bending, and twisting. Some physicians will immediately recommend back surgery to treat spinal disc problems such as those mentioned, but Northern NJ pain relief medical experts such as those at MedWell Spine, OsteoArthritis & Neuropathy Center can provide you with a non-invasive herniated disc treatment in the form of spinal decompression therapy. Read more from this blog:http://bit.ly/2pVddyS

Ridgewood NJ Back Pain Experts Share 4 Scoliosis-Centric Exercises

A Woman Who is Experiencing Debilitating Scoliosis Endures Her Pain

Scoliosis is a debilitating spine condition. It is often seen in childhood, but it can also appear in adulthood. An increasing number of adults are suffering from the condition for a variety of reasons, including prolonged, uneven pelvic position at work, knee or foot distortions, and even injuries to the spine and head.

When scoliosis starts rearing its ugly head, patients can actually alleviate the pain through scoliosis-specific exercises. Such physical activities can help provide relief by releasing tension in the muscles that control the spine. They also help increase blood circulation in the area, as well as improve lubrication in the joints. Below are four exercises for scoliosis that you can perform at home or in the gym to help you manage the pain, as recommended by Ridgewood, NJ back pain experts. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pV875E

Get to Know 4 Non-Surgical Bergen County Orthopedist-Type Treatments


As an alternative to surgical and invasive therapy options, natural orthopedic treatments are especially enticing to patients. If you want to improve your medical condition, but are unsure about all the risks that come with surgical procedures, a non-invasive, natural orthopedic procedure could be the answer.

Your Bergen County pain relief expert has several different non-surgical orthopedist-type treatment options that they can prescribe. In many cases, a pain relief physician may use more than one treatment option at a time, depending on the type and severity of the condition. Here are some common non-surgical treatments that your physician may prescribe.

Certain injuries and conditions require physical therapy and/or exercise to strengthen or increase the mobility of the tissues, ligaments, and muscles in the affected area. Conditions that may be treated with physical therapy and exercise include lower back pain, repetitive strain injury, tennis/golfer’s elbow, and arthritis. Exercise and physical therapy may also be recommended after surgery to help speed up recovery. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tLrnol

Bergen County Back Pain Relief: 4 Awesome Natural Back Pain Remedies


A Representation of an Inflamed Back that Leads to Agonizing Pain

It’s a condition that often strikes without warning, but after a stressful event, such as sitting at your desk for too long or lifting something heavy, you feel it—a dull ache or shooting pain in your back that can persist for weeks, months, and even years, if left unattended.

Back pain can be debilitating. The condition is usually due to a muscle spasm triggered by the most mundane of activities from repetitive body motions to a single bodily motion in an awkward, twisted angle. If the pain gets too severe, know that you don’t have to take painkillers right away. There are actually plenty of simple ways that you can feel pain-free again. Your Bergen County back pain relief experts reveal four of the most effective, natural ways to do so. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pVbz01

Neuropathy Pain Relief and How It Can Help You Get Your Life Back on Track

Effective Neuropathy Pain Relief Helps You Get Your Life Back on Track

Neuropathic pain is not something that should be casually dismissed. There are serious repercussions to it, least of which is the effect that it has on one’s quality of life. This kind of condition is both chronic and complex, which may manifest due to tissue injury.

The discomfort or pain that a person may feel may be due to nerve fibers being damaged or injured, causing it to become dysfunctional. Once this occurs, the nerves cannot send messages throughout the body properly. Instead, they may end up miscommunicating with the pain centers, which then brings about the pain.

One common example of neuropathic pain is the phantom limb syndrome. Here, an amputated arm or leg still feels as if it were still whole. Because the brain still receives messages from the nerves that used to carry impulses from the amputated limb, the person still feels pain.

Read more on this article: http://bit.ly/2owuv5B